Thanks for stopping in. My name is Farah.

My roots are Middle Eastern but assembled mainly in Canada. Home is Toronto for me and I love it here.

My career gigs have been mainly in beauty and fashion. Today, I work full time as a Beauty Buyer at Sephora. In the past, I've had loads of fun working with leading beauty and niche specialty spa skincare brands. When I'm not working, my two girls, husband and dog Mimi keep me on my toes and on the go.

It's been a few years now that I've had whispers in my ears to start a blog. Nonetheless, anytime I came close to committing I would rationalize all the reasons why I shouldn't (more on this in an actual post) But evidently, here I am. So here goes nothing and maybe starting something. 

This blog is an authentic take on my life and the legacy I want to leave behind for my daughters. My hope is you might find a something here. Possibly bit of inspiration? Maybe little giggle or a reminder to not be so hard on yourself in TRUE STORY where I share my unedited truths and struggles. Perhaps you will stumble on a beauteous find in GLOW,
But who knows? Like people and life, this blog could change. Until then, it will be This Is Farah Now.

I have this unshakable belief “your vibe attracts your tribe" and if any of this sticks I think you'll like it here.

Hope you'll stay a while and thanks again for popping in beautiful!

“we are all living in cages with the door wide open”
— George Lucas